Welcome to my new shopping blog.
This site will work like a web page until I get one. I will post news totally about
Brookside Pottery. My other blog LindaCowardPottery.blogspot.com not only has pottery info but sections of my book, travel info, personal philosophy, family news and a bit of politics. It is more of a personal journal I am willing to share.
If you want to shop with me this should make it easier for you. My new location is smaller, more studio like and fun place to visit but I am not there as much as the old shop.
It is great in good weather but I have no heat and no air. So...maybe sometimes you will want to shop online and this should work for us all.
So here is the deal. I will post photos of finished pieces, art in the works and whatever theme I am working on. It will be first come first serve as you view work on line. You can call the shop or my cell, give a credit card number and I will hold the piece or mail the piece to you. This should e very convenient for friends and customers who have moved out of the area.
I have a
pay pal account but I don't know how to use it yet. If necessary, I will figure it out.
So what do I sell?
I started the shop to sell my work, sculptural and utilitarian. I also sell my son Ian's work.
I sell clay, glazes, tools, kilns and equipment and a few gift items as well.
I teach classes at my shop and the
Philbrook. I also host birthday parties and get
togethers as well as help scouts get their badges. I will also tutor in my shop or at your studio.
If we have the same taste and ideas I will do special orders. I only do special orders I feel good about and intuitively feel we understand each other. I do not want to just be a pottery machine for someone with wacky ideas that don't really work. I make the mugs and plates for Shades of Brown Coffee shop and
Stonewood Coffee as well.
I am excited about this new way of making my work more available. I am open to suggestions and ideas so please comment and tell me what you think!
I will start posting pix soon!